
Photo caption: Pastoralism, seen as "a way of life based essentially on livestock breeding, especially small ruminants, cattle and camels", is characterized, among other things, by the strategic mobility of animals - to ensure effective access to and use of common resources, as here in a village in western Cameroon. UNOCA/Norbert N. Ouendji

Photo caption: Participants at the meeting in Libreville discuss several topics, including those related to the root and immediate causes of violence between farmers and herders in Central Africa. Photo UNOCA/Norbert N. Ouendji

Photo caption: The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNOCA, Mr. François Louncény Fall, and the Secretary-General of ECCAS, Mr. Ahmad Allam-Mi, reassured Prime Minister Simplice Mathieu Sarandji of their determination to continue working together to support ongoing efforts to restore State authority and contribute to the sustainable development of CAR. Photo UNOCA.
