Reports of the Secretary-General

■ Security Council, 13 December 2023: The Special Representative, Abdou Abarry, introduced the 25th biannual report of the United Nations Secretary-General on the situation in Central Africa and the activities of UNOCA. He reported on his visits to the countries covered, stressing that he witnessed, once again, the positive dynamics and resilience of Central Africa despite the numerous challenges the sub-region is facing. He mentioned the persistent insecurity and the increase in terrorist threats in certain countries, maritime piracy in the Gulf of Guinea, intercommunal conflicts, hate speech, climate change and the humanitarian situation considered of very high concern. DOWNLOAD THE FULL REPORT.


■ Security Council, 7 June 2021, videoconference: presentation, by the Special Representative, François Fall Louncény, of the 20th  report of the UN Secretary-General on the situation in Central Africa and the activities of the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA). The report provides an overview of the peace and security issues in the subregion over the past six months. The main political and humanitarian developments are also highlighted as well as human rights trends and the evolution of the economic situation in the context of COVID-19. Mr. António Guterres observes that “notwithstanding important efforts made to date, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the political stability and economic progress of Central African States”. He encourages ECCAS member States “to ensure that response strategies are in line with their human rights obligations and promote recovery strategies, prioritizing vulnerable populations, including women and young people”. DOWNLOAD THE FULL REPORT

 Security Council, 9 December 2020, videoconference: presentation, by the Special Representative, François Fall Louncény, of the 19th report of the UN Secretary-General on the situation in Central Africa and the activities of UNOCA. Beyond assessing the level of implementation of the mandate of the Office, the report provides details and recommendations on the main political and security issues that occurred in the sub-region during the last six months. Amongst others, M. António Guterres observes that « armed violence in Central Africa continued unabated, with serious implications for the subregion’s stability and the humanitarian situation, which has worsened dramatically, aggravated by the impact of COVID-19 ». He reiterates his call for « an immediate global ceasefire to enable peaceful cooperation to fight COVID-19 ». He also underlines that his Special Representative for Central Africa will « continue to urge conflict parties in the subregion to heed [his] call to create the conditions for dialogue and minimize the impact of the pandemic on the most vulnerable groups ». DOWNLOAD THE FULL REPORT

 The 18th report of the UN Secretary-General on the situation in Central Africa and the activities of UNOCA was introduced to the Security Council on 12 June 2020, via video teleconference. It provides an assessment of the major political and security trends in the subregion during the last six months. It also provides an update on the situation in the Lake Chad basin region as well as on progress in the implementation of the mandate of UNOCA, as adjusted following its strategic review, the conclusions of which had been welcomed by the Council in the statement of its President dated 12 September 2019. DOWNLOAD THE REPORT


■ Presentation, on 6 December 2019 to the Security Council, of the 17th report of the UN Secretary-General on the situation in Central Africa and on the activities of UNOCA. It provides an assessment of the major political and security developments and trends in the subregion since the last report dated 24 May 2019. It also highlights progress in the implementation of the UNOCA mandate with regard to the conclusions of the strategic review of UNOCA, which were welcomed by the Security Council in the statement of its President dated 12 September 2019. The report also provides an update on the situation in the Lake Chad basin region, amongst others. DOWNLOAD THE REPORT


  The 16th report of the UN Secretary-General on the situation in Central Africa and the activities of UNOCA was introduced to the Security Council on 4 June 2019 by his Special Representative for Central Africa, Mr. François Louncény Fall. The report provides an assessment of the major political and security developments and trends in the Subregion. It covers the period from 30 November 2018 to 15 May 2019. Period during which, according to the UN Secretary-General, the general atmosphere in Central Africa “remained volatile and highly charged by recent electoral processes and security and human rights challenges”.  DOWNLOAD THE REPORT.


 The fifteenth report of the UN Secretary-General on the situation in the Central Africa sub region and on the activities of UNOCA has been presented to the Security Council on 13 December 2018 by his Special Representative for Central Africa, François Louncény Fall. In this document (17 pages) produced in the six official languages ​​of the United Nations, António Guterres highlights the political and security challenges faced by the Subregion as well as contributions of UNOCA to address these issues. It expresses particularly deep concern on criminal activities by terrorist groups such as the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and Boko Haram, among others. In addition, drawing lessons from several elections held in some Central African countries recently, António Guterres encourages all stakeholders concerned to continue their efforts for transparent, inclusive and credible electoral processes in their respective countries. "This is an essential step to maintain peace and consolidate stability in the Subregion, which has often been the scene of tensions and violence related to electoral disputes," he said. The Report provides relevant information on the important preventive role played by UNOCA in this area, including through good offices, which in some cases serve to mitigate or put an end to violence. DOWNLOAD THE PDF VERSION OF THE REPORT


 The fourteenth report of the UN Secretary-General on the situation in Central Africa and on the activities of UNOCA has been presented on 13 June 2018 to the Security Council by Mr. François Louncény Fall, Special Representative and Head of UNOCA. The report (17 pages), underlines major political and security developments in Central Africa during the last six months. The evolution of the humanitarian situation is also reviewed, as well as that relating to human rights. In addition, the Report highlights the activities carried out by the Office within the framework of its mandate, including those implemented with the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), its main partner in the Subregion. Beyond its efforts to prevent and support the fight against terrorist threats and armed groups (Boko Haram, Lord's Resistance Army / LRA, etc.), the Report also focuses on Good offices and Preventive diplomacy actions of UNOCA. DOWNLOAD THE REPORT


The thirteenth report of the UN Secretary-General on the situation in Central Africa and the activities of UNOCA introduced to the Security Council on 13 December 2017 by Mr. François Louncény Fall, Special Representative and Head of UNOCA, provides information on major political and security developments in the Central African subregion during the last six months. It also emphasizes the progress made by the Office in fulfilling its mandate, including with regard to the fight against terrorist threats (Boko Haram) and the implementation of the UN regional strategy against the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). Download the Report.


 The twelfth report of the UN Secretary-General on the situation in Central Africa and the activities of UNOCA has been introduced to the Security Council on 13 June 2017 by Mr. François Louncény Fall, Special Representative and Head of UNOCA. The report provides information on major political and security developments in the Central African subregion during the last six months as well as the progress made by the Office in fulfilling its mandate, including with regard to the fight against terrorist threats (Boko Haram) and the implementation of the UN regional strategy against the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). Download the Report.


 The eleventh report of the UN Secretary-General on the situation in Central Africa and the activities of UNOCA was presented to the Security Council by Mr. François Louncény Fall, Acting Special Representative and Head of UNOCA, on 07 December  2016. The report provides information on major political and security developments in the Central African subregion during the last six months as well as the progress made by the Office in fulfilling its mandate, including with regard to the fight against terrorist threats (Boko Haram) and the implementation of the UN regional strategy against the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). Download the Report


 The tenth report of the UN Secretary-General on the situation in Central Africa and the activities of UNOCA was presented to the Security Council by Mr. Abdoulaye Bathily, Acting Special Representative and Head of UNOCA, on 15 June 2016. Download the Report. 


 9th Report of the UN Secretary-General on the situation in Central Africa and the activities of UNOCA. Download the PDF document

 8th Report of the UN Secretary-General on the situation in Central Africa and the activities of UNOCA. Download the PDF document

7th Report of the UN Secretary-General on UNOCA and on the areas affected by the LRA. Download the PDF document


6th Report of the UN Secretary-General on UNOCA and the areas affected by the LRA. Download the Report 


Briefing of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the Security Council on the fifth report of the UN SG on UNOCA. Download the PDF document


 Briefing of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the Security Council on the fourth report of the UN SG on UNOCA. Download the PDF document

 Briefing of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the Security Council on the third report of the UN SG on UNOCA. Download the PDF document

 Briefing of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the Security Council on the second report of the UN SG on UNOCA. Download the PDF document


 Briefing of Mr. Abou Moussa, Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the Security Council on the first report of the UN SG on UNOCA. Download the PDF document


Briefing of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the Security Council on the first report of the UN SG on UNOCA and on the LRA. Download the PDF document 

*Report of the UN Secretary-General on UNOCA and on the areas affected by the LRA that was presented on 12 May 2014 to the Security Council. Download the PDF document